MissBones-DoomEternalCards icon


Adds 29 Doom-themed cards, including Zombie type cards for quickly gaining bone tokens and a wide selection of powerful demons.

Last updated 2 years ago
Total downloads 3954
Total rating 5 
Categories Act I
Dependency string MissBones-DoomEternalCards-1.2.1
Dependants 0 other packages depend on this package

This mod requires the following mods to function

MADH95Mods-JSONCardLoader-1.7.1 icon

This is a BepInEx plugin made for Incryption to create custom cards using JSON files and the API by Cyantist. It can currently parse custom cards and pass them to APIPlugin to load them into the game.

Preferred version: 1.7.1
API_dev-API-1.12.1 icon

This plugin is a BepInEx plugin made for Inscryption as an API. It can currently create custom cards and abilities and inject them into the data pool, or modify existing cards in the card pool.

Preferred version: 1.12.1
MADH95Mods-DeckbuilderMod-1.0.0 icon

DeckbuilderMod lets you add any number of cards to your starting deck!

Preferred version: 1.0.0




Download this mod and its dependencies with Thunderstore Mod Manager


Download and install dependencies (follow installation instructions)
Merge the contents of .zip with the 'BepInEx' folder in your game installation

Doom Eternal cards

This mod adds 29 cards based on monsters from Doom Eternal, complete with art and card descriptions.

Demons are powerful cards that cost both bones and (Argent) energy.
Super heavy demons are rare cards, powerful enough to win most matches alone once summoned, but with very high costs.
Zombies are pitifully weak fodder, but are extremely useful for rapidly gaining bones for more powerful cards.


1.2 - Compatability with mod manager, 7 new cards
1.2.1 - Corrected issue where Cultist Zombie didn't cost 1 blood

Known Issues/Future Plans

  • Demons are classified as "reptiles" until custom tribes are implemented.
  • I plan on redesigning/rebalancing some cards when there are more custom sigil options :o

Zombie sigils

The 4 types of zombie cards share the sigils: Bone Digger (+1 bone/turn), Bone King (x4 bones), Brittle (perishes after attack), and Mighty Leap.


Zombies are what let you get enough bones for the powerful, expensive demons - Make sure that you don't bloat your deck and find yourself unable to summon anything!
All demons are kin, so totems are especially effective for buffing your horde.

Complete Card List

Card Name (power/health) - [B:bonecost/E:energycost] - Sigils

Arachnotron (1/3) - [B:5/E:3] - Sniper
Archvile (1/6) - [B:8/E:2] - Pack Leader, Hoarder (magpie)
Armored Baron (6/10) - [B:10/E:5] - Mighty Leap
Baron of Hell (6/6) - [B:10/E:3] - Mighty Leap
Blood Maykr (3/2) - [B:9/E:6] - Repulsive, Trifurcated Strike
Cacodemon (3/2) - [B:6/E:1] - Guardian (bloodhound), Corpse Eater
Carcass (0/1) - [B:4/E:2] - Repulsive, Brittle
Cultist Zombie (0/1) - [1 blood/E:1] - Worthy Sacrifice, Bone Digger, Bone King, Brittle, Mighty Leap
Cyber Mancubus (2/6) - [B:10/E:4] - Touch of Death, Bifurcated Strike
Cyberdemon (2/10) - [B:10/E:6] - Sniper, Trifurcated Strike
Doom Hunter (3/3) - [B:9/E:3] - Sniper, Frozen Away (becomes a (2/3) with no sigils upon perishing)
Dread Knight (4/3) - [B:7/E:4] - Mighty Leap, Guardian
Earth Zombie (0/1) - [B:0/E:1] - Bone Digger, Bone Digger, Bone King, Brittle, Mighty Leap
Gargoyle (1/1) - [B:3/E:1] - Airborne, Sniper
Hell Knight (3/3) - [B:7/E:1] - Mighty Leap
Hell Soldier (1/1) - [B:1/E:2] - None
Hell Zombie (1/1) - [B:0/E:1] - Many Lives, Bone Digger, Bone King, Brittle, Mighty Leap
Imp (1/1) - [B:3/E:1] - Sharp Quills
Mancubus (2/4) - [B:7/E:2] - Bifurcated Strike
Marauder (6/5) - [B:10/E:3] - Sentry
Maykr Drone (1/3) - [B:4/E:3] - Bone King
Mecha-Zombie (2/1) - [B:1/E:2] - Sniper, Bone Digger, Bone King, Brittle, Mighty Leap
Pain Elemental (1/8) - [B:8/E:1] - Bees Within, Mighty Leap
Pinkie (2/4) - [B:6/E:1] - Bone King, Burrower
Prowler (2/1) - [B:6/E:1] - Sprinter, Waterborne
Revenant (1/4) - [B:10/E:3] - Sniper, Trifurcated Strike
Shield Soldier (0/3) - [B:1/E:3] - Sharp Quills, Sentry
Turret (1/1) - [B:3/E:3] - Waterborne, Sniper
Whiplash (2/3) - [B:5/E:2] - Sprinter